"When I came in I was in so much pain."
"So far in six weeks, literally like a new man." - Michael
"I wish I had come two years..."
"Don't wait and just do what you can do as soon as you can because the longer you wait the harder it is to start feeling better...I wish I learned about you guys sooner." - Cindy
"I don't have the feeling that I'll need a cane anymore."
"I felt I was gonna need a cane, that I wouldn't be able to walk without help." - Dolores
"I was very depressed...I couldn't even get on the floor for my grandchildren to play...."
"After the very first procedure, it was successful. I've been able to play with them whenever I want, on the floor get up and down run around a little bit."
"I have felt good, better than I felt for almost a year since my fall."
"I would recommend the umbilical cord tissue to anyone who wants to feel better with lower back pain or any type of pain for that matter." - Kathy
"I was waking up every morning with a very hard pain in my foot"
"Everything is changing, now I can get up no problem at all.
" - Rafael
"It's amazing, the difference that I'm feeling just in 60 days...."
"It's not something that you're gonna fix in two months, but if you do your homework with the treatment of the stem cell, you are in the right direction." - Sergio
"It's a miracle to me how I feel now..."
"I have had in the past intense burning pain that would wake me up in the middle of night and now I can actually tell you today which has been my best day ever..." - Wayne
"I had great pain, virtually no range of motion..."
"...And today after one month I was able to do this without any pain at all on both arms and managed to pass all of the tests..." - Barbara
"I was 185 when I walked in here four weeks ago and I'm now 180..."
"My A1C was really a surprise because I had been up there at 11...which is very very high and puts me in danger and I am now down to a seven." - Bennett
"Before I started I felt lethargic, tired all the time, I was in a lot of abdominal pain..."
"...Realized that i was having gluten allergies and other issues among that and completely changed my diet through Trust Your Gut."
- Alexandra
"In such a short time I'd say I was 95 percent cured for whatever I was experiencing before..."
"I've started having this tingling in my feet and and having to wear socks at night because I felt like my feet are freezing cold..." - Dorothy
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